Strictly speaking it is still Spring (my favourite season) but with the weather as it has been over the last week, it has felt like Summer. Spring has moved on from the early, damp dark days of spiky new shoots and marvellous earthy smells. The landscape is filled with every colour of green there ever was, and the hedgerows are bursting with flowers. I would fill the house with jugs full of cow parsley in a heartbeat! There is a special magic about the english summer. To me, it's an intoxicatingly heady brew *sigh*
Stonehenge and Golden Cap on Mid summer's day
elderflower cordial
the big fat velvety bottoms of bumble bees
the dawn chorus
the sound of leather on willow and the polite applause of the village cricket match (even though the actual game itself is Satan's work.....)
being able to wear flip-flops and no coat every day
blissfully long, light evenings
eating sun-warmed strawberries
beach huts
hearing the sound of the swallows as they swoop and loop in the sky
feeling a breeze on your skin
my babies in their sunhats splashing about in our backyard riviera paddling pool