Saturday, 7 July 2012

birthday days

I have just celebrated my hmmphy humppphth birthday. Happy birthday Me! I love the fact that for one day a year, you are *special*. It's better than christmas. Because for one day, it is all about YOU. In our house the person whose birthday it is choses the breakfast - whatever they want! I forgot to chose something this year, so we had some of my birthday cake. Win win!

I am of the opinion though that a birthday should last a couple of days. The feeling I get when I first wake up the day after my birthday is horribly sad. The feeling that I'm not special any more is awful. Luckily I am blessed with exceptional family and friends and my birthdays last for more than 24 hours :D These are the things that made me smile this birthday weekend.

being woken at 6am by two small girls whose excitement about my birthday was tangible!

Esther yelling "happy birthday mama" at the top of her voice all day

sitting at Jo's table colouring in and eating cherry bakewells

rooftop cafe lunch

family pizza

a trip to the cinema with my boy

a spectacular assortment of presents

hand feeding a lamb, a llama and a deer

painted gipsy caravans and traction engines


1 comment:

  1. The 'Happy Birthday Mamma' reminder made me smile :) x
