Tuesday, 17 July 2012

rainy days

The english summer time is so romantic and heady, filled with long light evenings, elderflower cordial, the bewitching scents and sounds at dusk, plump sun warmed strawberries. I have a theory that we are solar powered beings. Tell me you don't feel better when on first waking you see the glow from outside sneaking around the edge of the curtain. The feeling of the warmth of sun on your face is almost like a kiss. . ..... insert here the sound of a needle being hastily taken off a record.

There lies the problem - no sun. Holy moly this rain seems endless! I can't ever remember feeling so soggy for so long. Even in Winter. Ughh, grey drizzly mornings, the relentless damp cling of my rain coat, as it is summer my stubborn determination to remain in flip-flops, and the imminent arrival of trenchfoot because of my stubborn determination.

Anyway, Jetstream schmetstream! Though the days have been slightly less cheerful and sunblessed than usual, there have been some bright spots :D 

Drawing dinosaurs on steamed up bus windows.

Watching the conker pods get fatter.

Tea and chocolate fingers with Willow.

Veronica Spicata - these flowers are related to the humble Speedwell, but look like they have come from the moon! I got an enormous bunch of them from the flower man. They look like they have mermaids tails.

veronica spicata

New episodes of "Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom".

Finding a lovely pair of vintage dark turquoise day gloves in my size.

Making a new friend who already feels like I have known her for ages.

Tiny spots of blue sky, the colour of which Monet would have approved of.

The transcendental power of music to turn ordinary, every day chores into shimmering adventures. Thank you Goldfrapp for turning preparing veg into a daydream wonderland where I was transformed into a glamorous spring-heeled, sleek haired, glittering goddess.

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